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Using Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol as a Cleaning Agent

These crazy times lately have caused panic around the world and have people gathering up cleaning agents like crazy. Stores all across the country are back ordered on items such as hand sanitizer, soap, and other types of disinfectants. This has caused a shortage on these products like we have never seen before.

Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol

Luckily for smokers, one cleaning agent that can be used to disinfect surface areas and other objects is isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Yes, the same rubbing alcohol used to clean your pipe can also kill bacteria and can be the perfect substitute for other disinfectants that are not currently available.

If you do not have any rubbing alcohol in storage and need to buy some, there are a few things you need to know. When purchasing isopropyl rubbing alcohol, it is very important to look at the purity of the product. Ideally, you are looking for rubbing alcohol that is at least 70% pure as this is strong enough to effectively kill off bacteria. In our store, we have both 70% Rubbing Alcohol as well as 99% Rubbing Alcohol.

Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol"IPA Clear" 99% Pure Isopropyl Alcohol - 16oz

Also, beware of people price gouging! With demand so high for this product there are people selling rubbing alcohol and other disinfectants at ridiculous prices. Although you would expect the prices of these products to go up, some sellers are listing them for over 10 times their original retail price. If you see something selling for a very high price, run because most legitimate sellers do not price gouge and you are most likely purchasing from a scammer.

Rubbing Alcohol Scam

One last note we would like to add is for all those who have cleaning agents on hand, use them sparingly! Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol & Cleaners are in incredibly high demand and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. The shortage of these products is not going away anytime soon and could possibly even get worse as time goes on.

If you know of any other disinfectants people can use, or know how to make you own homemade disinfectant, please comment below!


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